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22 April

Navigating Leadership Through Effective Communication – with Jeanette Jäger

In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, where every leader is vying for attention, what sets apart the greats from the rest? It’s not just their strategies or their vision, though those are undeniably important. It’s their ability to communicate effectively, to weave words into a tapestry that inspires, motivates, and unites.


Take Jeanette Jäger, CEO of Enento Group, for example. Her journey to the top wasn’t a straight line to the corner office. It was a path paved with passion, curiosity, and a deep understanding of the power of communication. From the early days of exploring the nascent realm of the internet to leading a Nordic powerhouse, Jeanette’s story is a testament to the pivotal role of communication in leadership.

“Communication is, as I see it, one of my most important tasks as a CEO. It’s a tool for me to be able to, together with my team, succeed with any assignment.”

-Jeanette Jäger

Communication isn’t just about talking; it’s about connecting. Whether addressing a boardroom full of executives or delivering a motivational speech to a crowd, Jeanette understands the importance of tailoring her message to her audience. It’s not about changing who she is but rather adapting her words to resonate with different ears.



But what makes her communication style stand out? It’s the authenticity that shines through every word. When Jeanette speaks, people listen—not just because of her position but because they trust her. They know that behind those words lies a genuine belief in what she says, a belief that transcends the boardroom and touches hearts.

In today’s rapidly changing landscape, effective communication isn’t just a skill; it’s a necessity. Whether grappling with geopolitical shifts or navigating the complexities of climate change, leaders must be able to articulate their vision with clarity and conviction. But it’s not just about delivering the message; it’s about building trust, fostering understanding, and inspiring action.

Words have power, and Jeanette understands this better than most. She knows that in a world where polarization runs rampant, communication can be a force for unity or division. It’s a responsibility she doesn’t take lightly—a responsibility to build bridges, not walls.

“It is of great importance to build trust while communicating. You need to know your topic, but it’s not only about the facts. I prefer to have both my head and heart with me while I communicate.” -Jeanette Jäger

So, what’s the secret to becoming a master communicator like Jeanette? It’s simple yet profound: practice, authenticity, and self-awareness. Like any skill, communication improves with time and effort. But it’s also about staying true to yourself, finding your voice amidst the noise, and letting your passion shine through.

“Find your style. Communication is not only about methods, techniques and vocabulary that paint the picture, it’s also about you. In addition to the methods and theory you also need to look inwards and ask yourself who you are. Bringing all of this together as one has the power. This means there is not only one true or correct way of communicating. However, there is only one you”, says Jeanette.  

As Jeanette aptly puts it, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to communication. It’s about finding what works for you, what resonates with your audience, and what moves them to action. And in a world hungry for connection and understanding, that’s a skill worth mastering.

In the end, effective communication isn’t just about words; it’s about impact. It’s about shaping minds, touching hearts, and changing lives. And as leaders, it’s our duty to wield that power wisely—to build a future where words are not just spoken but heard, understood, and embraced.

So, let’s embrace the power of words. Let’s use them to inspire, to unite, and to create a world that’s brighter, bolder, and more beautiful than ever before. After all, as Jeanette reminds us, it’s not just about what we say; it’s about what we do with those words that truly matters.


22 April

Navigating Leadership Through Effective Communication – with Jeanette Jäger